MATE. Bike UK | Cycling for non-cyclists

Question: As a regional franchise, how do we replicate the brand’s original success in Scandinavia and Europe with a brand new audience?

Answer: One territory’s plans rarely fit another, so Matt took MATE. Bike UK back to the drawing board to establish key audience targets, growth plans, bespoke multi-point digital marketing campaigns, PR engagement strategies, product promotions, physical activations in a number of UK cities, and a wealth of content.

The campaign identified, inspired and enticed a new type of cyclist (often with very little previous experience or interest) and challenged the dominance of cars as the go-to for urban mobility.

Impact: Increased sales by 130% in just four months with an average 10:1 ROAS across all channels, selling out all stock 3 months ahead of schedule.




Campaign Against Living Miserably